You don’t have $300 to buy a starter kit?
Here are 5 ways to help you save and get going with your own business!
1) Sell stuff- How much extra stuff do you have laying around the house, clothes you don’t wear, old kids toys, a desk that just collects dust, ect the options are endless! Go through your house and sell everything you have not used in the last 6-12 months. You can sell on ebay, craiglist or local facebook online garage sale/swap and shop sites.
2) Go without any extra’s for a while- don’t buy that candy bar at the checkout counter, make all your meals at home, wait to get a new pair of shoes or the lasts gadget. All those little things add up quickly.
3) Use coupons- You have to buy food and personal products way not use coupons and put the money you save aside towards your kit. You can find coupons in your Sunday paper or print them off online from website like
4) Gift/Christmas Money – Christmas or a birthday just come around use that money you received as a gift for your starter kit.
5) Use a credit card- I do not recommend this unless you plan on paying this off with your 1st profits! The idea is to make a better life not go deeper in debt.